
Shaina’s Brocha

The Blessings, Lessons & Challenges of life with BPAN

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The Great Escape

Shaina almost escaped on Friday night. The Home Office is in the early stages of its investigation. Our intel indicates that she most likely masterminded her plan while we ate chicken soup at the Shabbos table. Her strategy was well-prepared and caught the authorities off guard.   Shaina usually pops in and out of the Friday…

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Speak when you are listened to

Pesach is a time for kids to speak up. We encourage children to ask a wagonload of questions at the Seder night. Kids who are shy all year round find their voices at Mah Nishtana and Dayeinu. That holds true for most children. Kids who are non-verbal cannot step up to share their insights into the Ten Plagues or…

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Oh crumbs, it’s Pesach!

Every parent knows the fear you feel when the house goes too quiet. Your child is in another room, and the silence indicates they are up to no good. A lull in conversation at the Friday night table alerted us to Shaina’s uncharacteristic silence. Shaina often wanders from the dinner table to tinker in her…

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If only she could tell us…

Shaina’s deep brown eyes speak volumes; I only wish I understood their language. When she gets a twinkle in her eye, you can’t miss the mischief bubbling up inside her. When she is happy, her smile stretches to her eyebrows. Her eyes cloud over when she sees someone in distress, and she won’t avert her…

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Hi, I’m Rabbi Ari Shishler, husband to Naomi and father of eight wonderful children (ka”h).

Shaina is our youngest child. She has brought our family unique blessings, as her condition has brought us unique challenges.

Naomi & I founded and run the Chabad Strathavon Jewish Life Centre in Sandton, South Africa.

I am a passionate teacher, who tries to use every medium- writing, blogging, social media, video, lectures, radio etc. – to make spiritual ideals tangible. These days, much of my teaching centres on lessons we’re learning from our journey with Shaina.

Stay in touch with Shaina’s news and updates.